Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
22nd International Conference on Food Science & Nutrition, will be organized around the theme “Reinforcement on Modernization Capability in Food Science”
Euro Food Science 2018 is comprised of 12 tracks and 73 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Food Science 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Food Science also involves new product development, designing the procedure for processing, choice of packaging material, shelf life study, sensory evaluation .Food science brings together multiple scientific disciplines. Food Science incorporates concepts from fields such as microbiology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 1-1Food chemistry and biochemistry
- Track 1-2Food physics
- Track 1-3Food analysis
- Track 1-4Environmental impact of food production and consumption
- Track 1-5Food engineering and hygienic design
Waste and by-products generated in juice and non-alcoholic beverage sector are also addressed. Beverage products need to be safe, consistent, unadulterated and so food and beverage undergo testing’s.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 2-1Beverage processing
- Track 2-2Food Analytical Testing
- Track 2-3Beverage Testing
- Track 2-4Food Microbiology Testing
- Track 2-5Food Authenticity & Labelling
- Track 2-6Food Solutions through Rheology & Extrusion
Food processing industries start facing issues right from the post-harvest, storage of raw materials and the risk of hazards during production. And simultaneously the new technique are innovated to give a solutions to the problems faced in the end to end process .And also the need of much more development on Food security and nutrition, Food safety and regulations and Food packaging techniques.
Food marketing and distribution plays an important role in food sectors where the food will be under the risk of hazards like physical, chemical, and microbial. By implementing the advanced technologies we can achieve the aim of safe food consumption.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 3-1Post harvest techniques and issues
- Track 3-2Recent methods in Storage of raw materials
- Track 3-3Food hazards and type of hazards
- Track 3-4Food security and nutrition
- Track 3-5Food safety and regulations
- Track 3-6Food packaging techniques
- Track 3-7Food marketing and distribution
Food process modelling techniques measures, predicts and controls the product quality to enhance the product safety. Where the perishable foods are controlled by the cold plasma technology and evaluated by the Hyper spectral imaging technique. The incorporation of Lipid Nano-carrier showed a good stability and improved bioavailability. Recent technology says Edible and active films must be chosen for food packaging.
The 3D printing offers a massive potential benefits with healthy and good food for environment where it can convert the alternative ingredients and customizes the food. In order to address the main constraints affecting the development towards foods these recent trends of development facilitate the food free from risk.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 4-1Food process modelling
- Track 4-23D printing and application in food sector
- Track 4-3Cold plasma technology for food industry
- Track 4-4Hyperspetral imaging technique for food quality evaluation
- Track 4-5Lipid nano-carrier
- Track 4-6Edible and active films
To maintain the nutritional quality of foods and to Keep nutrients levels adequate to correct or prevent specific nutritional deficiencies in the population or in groups at risk of certain deficiencies. Food fortification does not require people to change their eating habits thus it is socially acceptable Commercial and industrial fortification, Bio fortification, Home fortification are the methods of fortification. Fortification involves in Restoration, Standardization and Supplementation. Types of fortification are Efficacy trials, Iron fortification, Vitamin A fortification, Multiple fortification , Iodine fortification, Iron fortification, Combined iron and iodine fortification, Folic acid fortification, Fortification with other B vitamins ,Vitamin D fortification .
The stability of nutrients and the conditions under which fortified foods are prepared, manufactured, and packaged will not affect the shelf life of the product and, concomitantly, the nutrient overages. The degree of nutrient degradation in food and the length of the shelf life will govern the level of overage Fortification is widely distributed and consumed foods has the potential to improve the nutritional status of a large proportion of the population, both poor and wealthy
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- Track 5-1Methods of food fortification
- Track 5-2Guidelines on food fortification
- Track 5-3Technical aspects of food fortification
- Track 5-4Effictiveness of food fortification
- Track 5-5Food fortification tools
consumption and disposal. Since packaging is very important to protect the product, recent development is more in packaging.
Extraction is a process of separation of a substance from a matrix where the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, ultrasonic extraction, heat reflux extraction, mechanochemical-assisted extraction, microwave-assisted extraction and instant controlled pressure drop extraction has a broad development in recent times. Simultaneously heat transfer equipment is used widely in food production for manufacturing, preservation process and to transfer energy.
Since the food production moves towards automation process this requires precise assessment of the yield gap, identification of key technological, institutional, socio-economic and finding appropriate remedies.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 6-1Material handling equipments in food sector
- Track 6-2broad spectrum of equipments in packaging
- Track 6-3Extraction methods and equipments
- Track 6-4Heat transfer equipments
- Track 6-5Mixing and dispersion equipment
Microbiological risk assessment focus on estimating adverse human health risk from exposure from human pathogenic microbes. The assessment of potential human health risks posed by pathogens that have acquired resistance to antimicrobial drugs is a new application of risk assessment that is closely related to microbiological risk assessment. Impact of food safety is high because food safety has become an increasingly important international concern as food contamination creates a huge economic burden on the communities and their health.
In order to enhance the food quality and food safety techniques like smart packaging are introduced where we can reduce the food poisoning. And by developing the processing sector toward food safety culture could be priceless.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 7-1Issues faced in food quality
- Track 7-2Risk of antimicrobial resistance in food supply chain
- Track 7-3Impact of food safety
- Track 7-4Enhanced food quality and safety technique
- Track 7-5Smart packaging to reduce the incidence of food poisoning
- Track 7-6Food safety culture
Microbial product- based inhibition is the technique which is used in all food and beverage industry and dairy processing industry. The microbial product-based inhibition involves chilled storage, pasteurization, sterilization, fermented foods. Organic acids are an organic compound with acidic property. Organic acids are used in food preservation because of their effects on bacteria where organic acids can penetrate the bacteria cell wall and disrupt the normal physiology of certain types of bacteria. Organic acids are successful in poultry processing. Sulphur dioxide and sulphites are perhaps the most important inorganic chemical preservatives
Pulsed electric field processing is used for gentle food preservation, enhancement of mass transfer process like extraction and or drying. Controlled use of microorganism are used in few foods like cheese, wines, beers these micro-organisms keep pathogens in check by creating an environment toxic for themselves and other micro-organisms by producing acid or alcohol. Burial in the ground technique is where products are buried on hot coals and ashes and the heat can kill pathogens, the dry ash can desiccate and earth can block the oxygen and further contamination.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 8-1Dehydration and freeze drying
- Track 8-2Microbial product- based inhibition
- Track 8-3Organic acids as preservatives
- Track 8-4Inorganic compounds as preservatives
- Track 8-5Pulsed electric field processing
- Track 8-6Controlled use of organism
- Track 8-7Burial in the ground technique
Functional foods are extracted from plant source as well as from the animal source. The impacts of processing in the functional foods are of nutraceutical ingredients, allergen management and the processing of allergen-free foods, health claims and nutraceutical food product commercialization. Functional characteristics in traditional foods are high. A functional food for health is an important part of an overall healthful lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and physical activity.
Functional foods benefits us by providing antioxidant effect, effect on cell differentiation, increased activity of enzymes that detoxify carcinogens, inhibition of N-nitrosamine formation, change of estrogenic metabolism, change of colonic milieu, preservation of integrity of intracellular matrices, effect on DNA methylation, maintenance of DNA repair, increase in apoptosis of cancer cells and decrease in proliferation. Functional foods offer great potential to improve health and help prevent certain diseases when taken as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 9-1Functional foods in disease prevention
- Track 9-2Functional food from Plant source
- Track 9-3Functional food from Animal source
- Track 9-4Processing techniques
- Track 9-5Benefits, concerns and challenges
- Track 9-6Development and commercialization
Nutrigenomics will lead to dietary intervention strategies for restoring health and fitness and for preventing diet related disease because nutrigenomics is the junction between health, diet and genomic which is a combination of molecular nutrition and genomics. The genetic revolution is providing new insights into a number of health issues, including the role of diet in cancer prevention. Genomic research is also predicted to generate innovative therapies that are targeted more precisely to the molecular mechanisms of disease. And nutrigenomics is how nutrients modulate gene and protein expression and ultimately influence cellular metabolism is the combination of molecular nutrition and genomics.
Nutrigenomics uses the new technologies at the level of molecular and cellular Processes and biological systems and can identify what can work in our body. And new technology can identify cell signatures which represent exposure to the environment and to investigate the earliest changes in disease processes. Nutrigenomics can also give some indications of those genes in which polymorphisms might be important and these may then be explored further in epidemiological studies. The study of these individual variations, their interaction with nutrition, and their association with health and disease.
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 10-1The effect of food on gene expression
- Track 10-2Aims and recent development
- Track 10-3Links to chronic disease
- Track 10-4Preventive health
- Track 10-5Diet supplementations
- Track 10-6Applications
Intelligent packaging has ability to sense or measure an attribute of the product, the inner atmosphere of the package and the shipping environment. Few well versed intelligent packaging methods are Corrosion inhibitors, Radio Frequency Identification, Metal chelation, Temperature monitors and Sensors and nano sensors. Some intelligent packaging films contain enzymes, anti-bacterial agents, scavengers, and other active components to help control from food degradation and extend shelf life. Edible films have been developed in such a way that it allows consumers to eat the package along with the product.
Intelligent food packaging is an innovative technology which is developing in recent years and it is an emerging area of food technology that can confer many preservation benefits on a wide range of food products. Benefits in product quality and safety, shelf life and more efficient supply chain management. And the main aim of this technology are to maintain sensory quality, extend shelf life, to maintain nutritional quality and ensure microbial safety
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 11-1Need of active food packaging
- Track 11-2Advancement in activet packaging
- Track 11-3Corrosion inhibitors
- Track 11-4Radio Frequency Identification
- Track 11-5Metal chelation
- Track 11-6Temperature monitors
- Track 11-7Sensors and nano sensors
- Track 11-8Regulations on smart packaging
To reduce the food waste by products was products from fisheries, meat and poultry industries, diary industries, fruit and vegetable industries, oil crops and pulses lot of emerging techniques was introduced. There are many waste treatment techniques like Animal feeding, Rendering, Composting, Anaerobic digestion, Aerobic digestion, Liquefaction, Hydrolysis, Gasification, Pyrolysis, Briquetting, and Incineration. While by products development is very effective and it cannot be used in all food types food recycling for other products are developed.
Food loss and waste contribute to major problems such as food insecurity and environmental degradation. And so the food system recycling index will best serve as an indicator of systemic sustainability in the near future. It concentrates on giving the whole picture of the amount of available food recycled in the acceptable levels of waste management. We should also understand that food and health security is not only concerned with lack of food availability
Food Science Conferences 2018| Food Conferences 2018 | International Food Conference2018| Food Conferences nyc | Food Conferences 2018 Europe| Conferences in Food Science | Food Technology Conferences | Food science conferences 2018 UK | Food Science Conferences 2018 USA
- Track 12-1By products of fisheries
- Track 12-2By products of meat industry
- Track 12-3By products of diary industry
- Track 12-4waste management of Fruits and vegetable
- Track 12-5By products of Oil crops and pulses
- Track 12-6Emerging treatment methods